Your branded career site: https://bethelhomehealthkc.isolvedhire.com/jobs/
This link is pretty important for a few reasons. This link will:
- Connect interested job seekers on the job boards back to your career site to apply.
- Connect your company website to your job openings.
- Replace your email address and phone number on any of your current job postings. People will apply there instead!
In order to get the best visibility and to attract the most applicants to your open positions, you will need to connect the iSolved Hire career site link (listed above) to your company’s website. This is really easy and should take your IT department or your Marketing team just a few minutes. Here are the places that we highly recommend the career site be linked: - Top/Side Navigation Menu
- Footer Navigation Menu
- Careers, Jobs, or Employment Page
In order to make sure you are getting all of the proper notifications and attachments; you will want to add (or have IT add) the following email addresses to the “approved” email list: - no-reply@applicantemail.com
- applicant@applicantemail.com
- no-reply@send.applicantemail.com
- documents@rightsignature.com
and whitelist the following domains: - send.applicantemail.com
- o1.send.applicantemail.com
- smtp.sendgrid.net
- Mail.applicantemail.com
If you have someone that manages your website such as IT, Marketing, or an outside provider, feel free to forward this to them and it will have everything they need to complete the connection. If you have any questions or problems with these items, please let me know!